Passionately Playful | Magically Creative & Eclectic
Galacticare (2023-2024) Brightrock Games | MEDI (lead), Various Voices
Criminals Within Trailer (2023) Space Rock Games | Helena (lead)
Ready or Not (2023-2024) Void Interactive | Belle, Cultist, Caller 1 & 2
Neverwinter DnD MMO (2022) Cryptic Studios | Minolin Fey (Module Lead)
The Ascent (2021) Neon Giant | Official Trailer VO
Kitaria Fables (2021) Twin Hearts | Teaser Trailer VO
RappelZ MMORPG (2021) Gala Lap Corp | Tutorial, Marine, Andariel, Blue Fairy
Order of the Throne: The King’s
Challenge (2016) Infamous Quests | Pixie, Queen
Path of Suns: Invisible Sun (2015) Wombat Studios | Narrator
Downloadable PDF of Resume
Flame-o-Tron 3000 (2020) TV | Adult Swim & | Sarah
Kwikset Smartcode 917 (2019) YouTube, Social Media
Midwest Moments (2018) YouTube, Social Media
Historic Roanoke City Market (2018) Radio | BOSS Motion Pictures
Bank on Your Future (2016) Social Media | DL Evans Bank
Flying Biscuit (2016) Social Media | Flying Biscuit Restaurant
Arc Devices (2015) Radio | DNA Agency Group
The Story Reaper (2024) ________________Podcast Series | Evelyn (episodic)
The Dark Ages Show (2018-2024) Podcast Series | Josephine (lead), Various Voices/Creatures
Ocarina of Time Parody (2017) Webseries | Navi, Children
NAVEX PriceLine (2018) Internal Training | Efficiency (Character)
TSA (2017) Internal Training
Georgia Pacific Paper Towels (2016) Internal Training
Edward Jones (2016) Internal Training
Signet Jewelry (2014) IVR | Signet Interactive
Insights (2018) VO Promo | WeDidIT
Casino: Poker Game (2018) VO Promo | AppTamin
Igloo: Real Estate (2018) VO Promo | AppTamin
Acapella: Music App (2018) VO Promo | Mixcord, Inc
Training and Education
Wendy Natividad & Stephen Gillikin 6 week improv workshop & showcase, duo ensemble scene work
Trans Chorus of Los Angeles Live Performance, Musicality, Vocal range & health, Recording Studio Protocol
Queer Vox Academy Workshops on videogames, animation, commercials, and industry
Dino Andrade’s & Greg Houser's
Voice Acting Masterclass Visualization, Misner technique, Vocal placements, Vocal layers
Deborah Richards Studio___________________ Audition Techniques, Vocal Range, Production
and Audio Editing
Angela Davis with Professional
Actor’s Studio Character Development, Cold Reading, Improv, Meisner & Method Acting
Georgia Renaissance Festival
Character Workshops Live Performance, Improv, Character development, Accents, Shakespearean language
Dino Andrade, Deborah Richards,
Greg Houser, Sarah Elmaleh,
Brian Doe Chua, Tonia Possick VO Training
General American, US South, US Cajun, US Minnesota,
British (BBC Standard), British (Cockney)
Soprano - High Tenor, Ability to sing in Character Voices
Member of the Trans Chorus of Los Angeles since 2023